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Go gray and feel good about it!

If you want to go gray but can't get past thinking...

"It will make me look older... It will make me look ugly... People will talk about me... My family will hate it..."

You're not alone! Going gray is more complicated than you think—and we can help. 

Go gray and feel good about it!

If you want to go gray but can't get past thinking...

"It will make me look older... It will make me look ugly... People will talk about me... My family will hate it..."

You're not alone! Going gray is more complicated than you think—and we can help. 

as seen in...

as seen in...

The 3 real hang-ups that make the idea of going gray feel impossible.

The reality is, there are 3 common hang-ups that keep you from going gray. Once we help you identify 
them and give you the tools to overcome them, you’ll be able to start the journey on your terms.

“Why does going gray feel so scary?”

  • You've unknowingly spent your entire life being manipulated by messaging that says aging is bad, getting old is bad—and your gray hair is a sign you're not worthwhile anymore.
  • People around you have been manipulated too—and they might not be supportive of your decision to go gray.
  • You don't have enough examples or role models with gray hair to draw inspiration from.

“What if I fail? What if I can’t do it? What if I don’t LIKE it?”

  • There's no way to fail this experience. Seriously.
  • Even if you decide to go gray and then find yourself back in the salon or browsing the hair color aisle at Target, that's not failure.
  • Going gray is an intensely personal journey. You get to navigate it in your own way and on your own time.

Does going gray mean I have to go cold turkey? Can’t I just dye my hair gray and be done?

  • Good news: there's literally no wrong way to go through this process.
  • Go cold turkey, cut it all off—it's up to you!
  • But, dyeing your full head of hair gray to match your roots is really difficult to achieve. Plus it's expensive and requires a lot of maintenance.

The 3 real hang-ups that make the idea 
of going gray feel impossible.

The reality is, there are 3 common hang-ups that keep you from going gray. Once we help you identify 
them and give you the tools to overcome them, you’ll be able to start the journey on your terms.

Why does going gray feel so scary?

  • You've unknowingly spent your entire life being manipulated by messaging that says aging is bad, getting old is bad—and your gray hair is a sign you're not worthwhile anymore.
  • People around you have been manipulated too—and they might not be supportive of your decision to go gray.
  • You don't have enough examples or role models with gray hair to draw inspiration from.

“What if I fail? What if I can’t do it? What if I don’t LIKE it?”

  • There's no way to fail this experience. Seriously.
  • Even if you decide to go gray and then find yourself back in the salon or browsing the hair color aisle at Target, that's not failure.
  • Going gray is an intensely personal journey. You get to navigate it in your own way and on your own time.

Does going gray mean I have to go cold turkey? Can’t I just dye my hair gray and be done?

  • Good news: there's literally no wrong way to go through this process.
  • Go cold turkey, cut it all off—it's up to you!
  • But, dyeing your full head of hair gray to match your roots is really difficult to achieve. Plus it's expensive and requires a lot of maintenance.

Imagine how amazing it would feel if…

You could embark on a process that would not only allow you to embrace a natural change, but would also help you love and embrace yourself in a whole new way.

You had a supportive, uplifting community to help encourage and guide you through the most frustrating parts of the going gray journey.

You could say goodbye to the inconvenience, expense and potential environmental cost of coloring your hair every few weeks.

You knew exactly what to do to help keep your hair looking gorgeous and healthy.

You could look in the mirror and feel strong, confident, beautiful and totally in love with your gorgeous gray hair.

Imagine how amazing it would feel if…

You could embark on a process that would not only allow you to embrace a natural change, but would also help you love and embrace yourself in a whole new way.

You had a supportive, uplifting community to help encourage and guide you through the most frustrating parts of the going gray journey.

You could say goodbye to the inconvenience, expense and potential environmental cost of coloring your hair every few weeks.

You knew exactly what to do to help keep your hair looking gorgeous and healthy.

You could look in the mirror and feel strong, confident, beautiful and totally in love with your gorgeous gray hair.

Here's the good news...

It IS possible to go gray on your terms and there’s an easy process to manage it.

How do I know? In 2017, when I decided to go gray, I documented the entire process online. That series of blog posts exploded in popularity—we’re talking around 250,000+ readers per month—and has grown into a Facebook community that’s tens of thousands women strong.

Here's the good news...

It IS possible to go gray on your terms and there’s an easy process to manage it.

How do I know? In 2017, when I decided to go gray, I documented the entire process online. That series of blog posts exploded in popularity—we’re talking around 250,000+ readers per month—and has grown into a Facebook community that’s tens of thousands women strong.

I’m Lisa Fennessy, 

Founder and CEO of The New Knew, a blog about choosing healthy beauty and valuing a sustainable lifestyle in order to make a positive impact on our health and the health of the planet.

Despite my commitment to a cleaner lifestyle, I swore I’d never stop coloring my hair. Never. Never.

Then, one day, I spotted this beautiful woman in a restaurant, and she kind of blew my world wide open. This woman struck me because her face looked so young, but her hair looked so…gray. And she was STUNNING.

Before I knew what came over me, I was walking over to her!

“Hi,” I said. “My name is Lisa. Your hair is gorgeous! How did you do it? Was it hard? Did you have to cut your hair? How about hats? What did your friends say? How old are you?!”
45, she said. Growing out her gray was hard at first, but then it got easier. Her kids didn’t like it initially, but they became indifferent soon enough. It had been 3 years and was the best thing she had ever done.

After that, my thoughts shifted from “I wonder…” and “What if…” to “WHEN?!” The longer I sat with those thoughts, the louder they got. In 2017, I started blogging about going gray, and the response was overwhelming. That’s when I realized that this is a topic that we want and NEED to talk about.

Since then, so many people have approached me and said that my story gave them the courage to go gray...


I can't thank you enough for what you are doing for us women and I'm so glad I found you online.


I've been thinking about "letting my hair go" since I hit 50 (in the middle of Covid) but didn't have the courage. My inspiration was you! I read the inspirational stories daily to keep me going.


Thank you for the inspiration and the support!! 


Your site and facebook group are so inspirational!! It's the boost I need. In any case, having all the women come together because of you is AMAZING!! You are doing something truly wonderful!!


I look forward to your future emails so I can find good clean products to use as I am always discovering so many I never heard of. I appreciate all you do to help people.


I want to thank you because, with all your posts, you have supported, encouraged and ensured me in my decision. When I read your experience and noticed the same comments around me, I stopped feeling alone and with more ideas to answer them!

I’m Lisa Fennessy, 

Founder and CEO of The New Knew, a blog about choosing healthy beauty and valuing a sustainable lifestyle in order to make a positive impact on our health and the health of the planet.

Despite my commitment to a cleaner lifestyle, I swore I’d never stop coloring my hair. Never. Never.

Then, one day, I spotted this beautiful woman in a restaurant, and she kind of blew my world wide open. This woman struck me because her face looked so young, but her hair looked so…gray. And she was STUNNING.

Before I knew what came over me, I was walking over to her!
“Hi,” I said. “My name is Lisa. Your hair is gorgeous! How did you do it? Was it hard? Did you have to cut your hair? How about hats? What did your friends say? How old are you?!”

45, she said. Growing out her gray was hard at first, but then it got easier. Her kids didn’t like it initially, but they became indifferent soon enough. It had been 3 years and was the best thing she had ever done.

After that, my thoughts shifted from “I wonder…” and “What if…” to “WHEN?!” The longer I sat with those thoughts, the louder they got. In 2017, I started blogging about going gray, and the response was overwhelming. That’s when I realized that this is a topic that we want and NEED to talk about.

Since then, so many people have approached me and said that my story gave them the courage to go gray...


I can't thank you enough for what you are doing for us women and I'm so glad I found you online.


I've been thinking about "letting my hair go" since I hit 50 (in the middle of Covid) but didn't have the courage. My inspiration was you! I read the inspirational stories daily to keep me going.


Thank you for the inspiration and the support!! 


Your site and facebook group are so inspirational!! It's the boost I need. In any case, having all the women come together because of you is AMAZING!! You are doing something truly wonderful!!


I look forward to your future emails so I can find good clean products to use as I am always discovering so many I never heard of. I appreciate all you do to help people.


I want to thank you because, with all your posts, you have supported, encouraged and ensured me in my decision. When I read your experience and noticed the same comments around me, I stopped feeling alone and with more ideas to answer them!

Are you ready to finally embrace your natural gray hair?

I went from hating my hair to LOVING my hair, and I feel more confident now than I’ve ever felt in my life.

Now, in addition to continuing to share my journey on The New Knew, I host a free Facebook group dedicated to going gray. Based on my journey and the journeys of so many women I know, support from peers is absolutely pivotal.

If you’ve been thinking about going gray, you need a support system. You need to be able to see yourself in other women. You need affirmation that you CAN do this.

That’s why I’ve created a space for this journey where you can receive the support, guided experience and expert input that just aren’t available in free groups. Think of it as your very own personal mentor for going gray!

Are you ready to finally embrace your natural gray hair?

I went from hating my hair to LOVING my hair, and I feel more confident now than I’ve ever felt in my life.

Now, in addition to continuing to share my journey on The New Knew, I host a free Facebook group dedicated to going gray. Based on my journey and the journeys of so many women I know, support from peers is absolutely pivotal.

If you’ve been thinking about going gray, you need a support system. You need to be able to see yourself in other women. You need affirmation that you CAN do this.

That’s why I’ve created a space for this journey where you can receive the support, guided experience and expert input that just aren’t available in free groups. Think of it as your very own personal mentor for going gray!


Going Gray 
on Your Terms

Go gray and feel GOOD about it.


Going Gray on Your Terms

Go gray and feel GOOD about it.

It’s a journey filled with the information, inspiration, cultural re-examination, expert guidance and community support you need to celebrate—going gray, ditching the dye, navigating the process of growing out your gray, reclaiming your freedom and confidently transforming from the inside out.
It’s a journey filled with the information, inspiration, cultural re-examination, expert guidance and community support you need to celebrate—going gray, ditching the dye, navigating the process of growing out your gray, reclaiming your freedom and confidently transforming from the inside out.

6+ Journey Modules

That will lead you step-by-step through exploring the mindset shifts, common strategies and phases of going gray in the way that works best for you

45+ Tools (Including 19 Videos)

To help you take action and dig deeper into what you’re discovering on your journey

Private Community

To ask questions, get feedback and join discussions with other community members—you’ll never feel alone while you’re going gray

This brand new course is here to be the support system you need. 

Release societal pressure and start a journey toward loving your hair more than you ever thought possible.

You don’t have to keep scheduling your life around those regular root touch-ups.

You don’t have to live in fear of whether your spouse, boss, friends, kids, or even strangers on the street will disapprove of your decision to go gray.

You don’t have to waste valuable mental and emotional energy worrying that gray hair is going to make you look old.

You don’t have to look at other women who are going gray—and looking downright amazing—while thinking, “I could never look as good as she looks with gray hair.”

You can absolutely go gray, look amazing, feel even better and do it all on your terms.

Going gray is so much more than a physical change—it’s a journey that leads to inner and outer transformation.

This brand new course is here to be the support system you need. 

Release societal pressure and start a journey toward loving your hair more than you ever thought possible.

You don’t have to keep scheduling your life around those regular root touch-ups.

You don’t have to live in fear of whether your spouse, boss, friends, kids, or even strangers on the street will disapprove of your decision to go gray.

You don’t have to waste valuable mental and emotional energy worrying that gray hair is going to make you look old.

You don’t have to look at other women who are going gray—and looking downright amazing—while thinking, “I could never look as good as she looks with gray hair.”

You can absolutely go gray, look amazing, feel even better and do it all on your terms.

Going gray is so much more than a physical change—it’s a journey that leads to inner and outer transformation.

Nothing like this has ever existed before—we checked.

Nothing like this has ever existed before—
we checked.


Real-life experience from Lisa Fennessy, going gray hair writer + founder of The New Knew

When my mom decided to grow out her gray hair, I said, “DON’T DO IT.”


But, I actually thought I was enlightening her. Helping her. Telling her something she didn’t know. Like, I really expected her to turn around and be like, “Oh, right! Thanks for telling me. I lost my mind for a minute but thanks to you, I’m back.”

Growing my hair out gray has been one of the scariest and most rewarding experiences of my life. 🏆 Now, I’m sharing ALL the knowledge I gained—and 250,000 people per month are finding on my blog!


Real-life experience from Lisa Fennessy, going gray hair writer + founder of The New Knew

When my mom decided to grow out her gray hair, I said, “DON’T DO IT.”


But, I actually thought I was enlightening her. Helping her. Telling her something she didn’t know. Like, I really expected her to turn around and be like, “Oh, right! Thanks for telling me. I lost my mind for a minute but thanks to you, I’m back.”

Growing my hair out gray has been one of the scariest and most rewarding experiences of my life. 🏆 Now, I’m sharing ALL the knowledge I gained—and 250,000 people per month are finding on my blog!

Practical tips & tools from guest experts


M.Ed Counseling & Human Development Certified Professional Coach


Owner, Creature Studio Holistic Hair Care 20+ Years of Hair Styling Experience


MS in Physical Therapy
Certified Integrative Women’s Health & Wellness Coach

Module One
Why is this so hard?

Want to feel more confident in your going gray journey? This module supports and deepens your understanding of the cultural pushback you might get around going gray. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and connect with a community of women who are on your exact same journey—you’re never alone!


  • The History of Hair Color Infographic
  • 10 Ways to Respond to Rude Comments About Gray Hair
  • What Do I REALLY Think of Me? Reflection Journal
  • Kick Your Limiting Beliefs to the Curb Reflection Journal
  • Community Check-in

Module Two
I Want to Go Gray, But I'm Scared

In this phase, we’ll talk about why this journey can feel really scary. You’ll learn to move beyond that fear and embrace you. Plus you’ll gain understanding about why support is so important (and how to get it). 


  • Going Gray Success Stories
  • Strengthen Your Support System Reflection JournalKnow Your WHY and Get Support Reflection Journal
  • Know Your WHY and Get Support Reflection Journal

Module Three
I Feel Insecure in Public

Feel insecure about your looks or your decision to go gray? It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable—we all do! By the time you’ve completed Module 3, you’ll be prepared with a few strategies—both hair-oriented and feelings-oriented—to help keep you moving forward.


  • 101 Things to Do Instead of Dyeing Your Hair Checklist
  • Breaking Out of Negative Self-Talk Reflection Journal
  • Tips for Growing Out Your Gray
  • How to Find a Stylist to Help with Gray Hair Grow Out
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones

Module Four
This is HARD. What Do I Do When I Want to Quit?

By the time you’ve completed Module 4, you’ll be equipped to manage the feelings of wanting to quit, and you’ll have a better understanding of how you can best care for your hair and scalp.


  • Do You REALLY Want to Quit? Reflection Journal
  • DIY Hair Mask for Shine + Softness
  • If This, Then That Solutions to All Your Gray Hair Problems Tool
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones

Module Five
How Do I Take Care of My Changing Hair Texture?

Module 5 will show you everything you need to know when it comes to keeping your gray hair healthy, bright and free from damage. You’ll also know exactly where to look (and what to look for) when it comes to purple shampoo, heat protectants and styling tools.


  • Heat Protectant 101 + Product Recommendations Guide
  • How to Choose a Heat Styling Tool Guide
  • Why Do I Need a Purple Shampoo? + Product Recommendations
  • Weekly Gray Haircare Routine
  • Shoppable Expert Haircare Recommendations
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones

Module Six
I'm Well On My Way... Now What?

By the time you’ve completed Module 6, you’ll have a better understanding of how you want to show up in the world with your beautiful gray hair. Plus, you might even be ready to pay it forward by encouraging and inspiring others on their gray hair journeys! This is your time to shine. Revel in it.


  • Snaps for Going Gray!
  • Look How Far You've Come Gray Hair Reflection Journal
  • There's a Coach for That?! Guide
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones

Module One Why is this so hard?

Want to feel more confident in your going gray journey? This module supports and deepens your understanding of the cultural pushback you might get around going gray. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and connect with a community of women who are on your exact same journey—you’re never alone!


  • The History of Hair Color Infographic
  • 10 Ways to Respond to Rude Comments About Gray Hair
  • What Do I REALLY Think of Me? Reflection Journal
  • Kick Your Limiting Beliefs to the Curb Reflection Journal
  • Community Check-in
Want to feel more confident in your going gray journey? This module supports and deepens your understanding of the cultural pushback you might get around going gray. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and connect with a community of women who are on your exact same journey—you’re never alone!


  • Hair Color Timeline Infographic
  • 10 Actionable Ways to Respond to Rude Comments
  • What Do I REALLY Think of Me? Reflection Journal
  • Kick Your Limiting Beliefs to the Curb
  • Community Check-in

Module Two I Want to Go Gray, But I'm Scared

In this phase, we’ll talk about why this journey can feel really scary. You’ll learn to move beyond that fear and embrace you. Plus you’ll gain understanding about why support is so important (and how to get it). 


  • Going Gray Success Stories
  • Strengthen Your Support System Reflection Journal
  • Know Your WHY and Get Support Reflection Journal
In this phase, we’ll talk about why this journey can feel really scary. You’ll learn to move beyond that fear and embrace you. Plus you’ll gain understanding about why support is so important (and how to get it). 


  • Going Gray Success Stories
  • Strengthen Your Support System Reflection Journal
  • How to Build Your Team

Module Three I Feel Insecure in Public

Feel insecure about your looks or your decision to go gray? It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable—we all do! By the time you’ve completed Module 3, you’ll be prepared with a few strategies—both hair-oriented and feelings-oriented—to help keep you moving forward.


  • 101 Things to Do Instead of Dyeing Your Hair Checklist
  • Breaking Out of Negative Self-Talk Reflection Journal
  • Tips for Growing Out Your Gray
  • How to Find a Stylist to Help with Gray Hair Grow Out
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones
Feel insecure about your looks or your decision to go gray? It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable—we all do! By the time you’ve completed Module 3, you’ll be prepared with a few strategies—both hair-oriented and feelings-oriented—to help keep you moving forward.


  • 101 Things You Can Do Besides Dyeing Your Hair Checklist
  • Breaking Out of Negative Self-Talk
  • Tips for Growing Out Gray
  • How to Find the Right Hair Stylist for Your Gray Hair
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones

Module Four  This is HARD. What Do I Do When I Want to Quit?

By the time you’ve completed Module 4, you’ll be equipped to manage the feelings of wanting to quit, and you’ll have a better understanding of how you can best care for your hair and scalp.


  • Do You REALLY Want to Quit? Reflection Journal
  • DIY Hair Mask for Shine + Softness
  • If This, Then That Solutions to All Your Gray Hair Problems Tool
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones
By the time you’ve completed Module 4, you’ll be equipped to manage the feelings of wanting to quit, and you’ll have a better understanding of how you can best care for your hair and scalp.


  • Going Gray Reflection Journal
  • DIY Deep Conditioning Mask + Product Recommendations
  • If This, Then That Problem/Solutions Tool
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones

Module Five  How Do I Take Care of My Changing Hair Texture?

Module 5 will show you everything you need to know when it comes to keeping your gray hair healthy, bright and free from damage. You’ll also know exactly where to look (and what to look for) when it comes to purple shampoo, heat protectants and styling tools.


  • Heat Protectant 101 + Product Recommendations Guide
  • How to Choose a Heat Styling Tool Guide
  • Why Do I Need a Purple Shampoo? + Product Recommendations
  • Weekly Gray Haircare Routine
  • Shoppable Expert Haircare Recommendations
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones
Module 5 will show you everything you need to know when it comes to keeping your gray hair healthy, bright and free from damage. You’ll also know exactly where to look (and what to look for) when it comes to purple shampoo, heat protectants and styling tools.


  • Heat Protectant 101 + Product Recommendations
  • Guide to Heat Styling Tools
  • Purple Shampoo 101 + Product Recommendations
  • Long-Term Gray Haircare Routine
  • Shoppable Expert Hair Recommendations
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones

Module Six  I'm Well On My Way… Now What?

By the time you’ve completed Module 6, you’ll have a better understanding of how you want to show up in the world with your beautiful gray hair. Plus, you might even be ready to pay it forward by encouraging and inspiring others on their gray hair journeys! This is your time to shine. Revel in it.


  • Snaps for Going Gray!
  • Look How Far You've Come Gray Hair Reflection Journal
  • There's a Coach for That?! Guide
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones
By the time you’ve completed Module 6, you’ll have a better understanding of how you want to show up in the world with your beautiful gray hair. Plus, you might even be ready to pay it forward by encouraging and inspiring others on their gray hair journeys! This is your time to shine. Revel in it.


  • Snaps for Gray Hair
  • Look How Far You've Come Gray Hair Reflection Journal
  • There's a Coach for That? !
  • How to Celebrate Your Milestones


“Why does going gray feel so scary?”

  • You've unknowingly spent your entire life being manipulated by messaging that says aging is bad, getting old is bad—and your gray hair is a sign you're not worthwhile anymore.
  • People around you have been manipulated too—and they might not be supportive of your decision to go gray.
  • You don't have enough examples or role models with gray hair to draw inspiration from.
But when you have access to practical tools, guidance from experts, peer support and transformative exercises, the journey to going gray becomes much less scary.


“What if I fail? What if I can’t do it? What if I don’t LIKE it?”

  • There's no way to fail this experience. Seriously.
  • Even if you decide to go gray and then find yourself back in the salon or browsing the hair color aisle at Target, that's not failure.
  • Going gray is an intensely personal journey. You get to navigate it in your own way and on your own time.


 Does going gray mean I have to go cold turkey ? Can’t I just dye my hair gray and be done ?

  • Good news: there's literally no wrong way to go through this process.
  • Go cold turkey, cut it all off—it's up to you!
  • But, dyeing your full head of hair gray to match your roots is really difficult to achieve. Plus it's expensive and requires a lot of maintenance.
  • That's why this course connects you with experts to help weigh in on ACTUAL options when it comes to seamlessly growing out your gray hair.

Ready for a recap?

Here's everything you get with Going Gray on Your Terms:

Ready for a recap?

Here's everything you get with Going Gray on Your Terms:

👉 6+ modules to support you in your journey to going gray

👉 45+ valuable tools, exercises, videos, guides, and checklists

  • The History of Hair Color Infographic
  • Progress Photo Documentation, Including Journal Space to Showcase Your Transformation
  • 9 Going Gray Reflection Journal Exercises
  • 19 Videos from Lisa and Our Experts, Guiding You Through This Process
  • 10 Ways to Respond to Rude Comments About Gray Hair
  • 101 Things To Do Instead of Dyeing Your Hair Checklist
  • Tips for Growing Out Your Gray
  • If This, Then That Solutions to All Your Gray Hair Problems Tool
  • How to Find a Stylist to Help with Gray Hair Grow Out
  • Purple Shampoo 101 + Product Recommendations
  • Heat Protectant 101 + Product Recommendations Guide
  • How to Choose a Heat Styling Tool Guide
  • Snaps for Gray Celebration Tool
  • Weekly Gray Hair Routine
  • Shoppable List of Gray Hair Tools + Products Recommended by Lisa and Our Expert Hair Stylist
  • Optional Community Check-ins
  • There's a Coach for That?! Guide
  • 4 Tools to Celebrate Your Milestones
  • DIY Hair Mask for Shine + Softness

👉 6+ modules to support you in your journey to going gray
👉 45+ valuable tools, exercises, videos, guides, and checklists

  • The History of Hair Color Infographic
  • Progress Photo Documentation, Including Journal Space to Showcase Your Transformation
  • 9 Going Gray Reflection Journal Exercises
  • 19 Videos from Lisa and Our Experts, Guiding You Through This Process
  • 10 Ways to Respond to Rude Comments About Gray Hair
  • 101 Things To Do Instead of Dyeing Your Hair Checklist
  • Tips for Growing Out Your Gray
  • If This, Then That Solutions to All Your Gray Hair Problems Tool
  • How to Find a Stylist to Help with Gray Hair Grow Out
  • Purple Shampoo 101 + Product Recommendations
  • Heat Protectant 101 + Product Recommendations Guide
  • How to Choose a Heat Styling Tool Guide
  • Snaps for Gray Celebration Tool
  • Weekly Gray Hair Routine
  • Shoppable List of Gray Hair Tools + Products Recommended by Lisa and Our Expert Hair Stylist
  • Optional Community Check-ins
  • There's a Coach for That?! Guide
  • 4 Tools to Celebrate Your Milestones
  • DIY Hair Mask for Shine + Softness

Ready to go gray and feel GOOD about it?


Going Gray on Your Terms


Lifetime access to the course

Going Gray on Your Terms


Lifetime access to the course, community access for 6 months and MORE

You’ll receive:

  • 6+ modules to help you navigate the main phases of going gray
  • 45+ tools, videos, and exercises
  • Lisa and our experts’ guidance along the way


You’ll receive:

  • 6+ modules to help you navigate the main phases of going gray
  • 45+ tools, videos, and exercises
  • Lisa and our experts’ guidance along the way
  • Group Q&A Office Hours calls with Lisa
  • Printed, full color spiral-bound workbook delivered to your home
  • An exclusive BONUS bundle, with 15+ add-ons
  • PLUS exclusive access to weekly pep talk touch points from Lisa and the team


Your experience with Going Gray on Your Terms starts immediately once you enroll. When you click the “Join Now” button below, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout.

When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will also contain instructions on how to access your learning portal via Mighty Networks. From there, you’ll have immediate access to all of the videos, journal exercises, resources, and more!

If you have any questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and make sure you get the most out of the program.

  • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout
Payment processed through secure gateway networks

Ready to go gray and feel GOOD about it?


Going Gray on Your Terms


Lifetime access 
to the course

You’ll receive:

  • 6+ modules to help you navigate the main phases of going gray
  • 45+ tools, videos, and exercises
  • Lisa and our experts’ guidance along the way


Going Gray on Your Terms


Lifetime access to the course, community access for 6 months and MORE

You’ll receive:

  • 6+ modules to help you navigate the main phases of going gray
  • 45+ tools, videos, and exercises
  • Lisa and our experts’ guidance along the way
  • Group Q&A Office Hours calls with Lisa
  • Printed, full color spiral-bound workbook delivered to your home
  • An exclusive BONUS bundle, with 15+ add-ons
  • PLUS exclusive access to weekly pep talk touchpoints from Lisa and the team


Your experience with Going Gray on Your Terms starts immediately once you enroll. When you click the “Join Now” button below, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout.

When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will also contain instructions on how to access your learning portal via Mighty Networks. From there, you’ll have immediate access to all of the videos, journal exercises, resources, and more!

If you have any questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and make sure you get the most out of the program.

  • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout
Payment processed through secure gateway networks

Frequently Asked Questions


Going Gray on Your Terms—the support system you need. 

If you’ve been struggling with growing out your gray hair, this is the lifeline you’ve been looking for. 

Because it’s not “just hair”! Accepting your white, gray or silver hair bumps up against centuries of external stigma, oppression and othering that needs a practical, supportive solution. 

My personal journey of going gray opened up a new world, enlightening me with a deeper understanding of what this seemingly innocuous decision to “go gray” actually means. It’s a direct rebuttal to the insidious ways ageism inserts itself into our (but women’s especially) lives.

“I didn’t even know going gray was an option.”

“I didn’t even know I could go gray until I saw you going gray.”

“I want to thank you because, with all your posts, you have supported, encouraged and ensured me in my decision.” 

These are real messages from women who decided to go gray because I decided to create the space to talk about it.

And now YOU can join in!

Are you ready to get started?

Going Gray on Your Terms—the support system you need. 

If you’ve been struggling with growing out your gray hair, this is the lifeline you’ve been looking for. 

Because it’s not “just hair”! Accepting your white, gray or silver hair bumps up against centuries of external stigma, oppression and othering that needs a practical, supportive solution. 

My personal journey of going gray opened up a new world, enlightening me with a deeper understanding of what this seemingly innocuous decision to “go gray” actually means. It’s a direct rebuttal to the insidious ways ageism inserts itself into our (but women’s especially) lives.

“I didn’t even know going gray was an option.”

“I didn’t even know I could go gray until I saw you going gray.”

“I want to thank you because, with all your posts, you have supported, encouraged and ensured me in my decision.” 

These are real messages from women who decided to go gray because I decided to create the space to talk about it.

And now YOU can join in!

Are you ready to get started?

Questions About Next Steps?

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Questions About Next Steps?

Have a question that isn’t answered here? You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.
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© 2024 The New Knew | All Rights Reserved.